Happy 2019!

Welcome to 2019!

A new year brings new possibilities, new adventures and treasures to find. Hanover Flea Market is always expanding and welcoming new vendors which means new items and treasuring arriving daily! Come check us out this January to find your newest charming piece to add to your home!

Welcome 2019

Top 3 Stops You Need to Take For Your Fall Road Trip

As the college students are bundling up for the fall semester and the parents are rushing for their kids to be ready for the school year, the leaves are falling behind them. When summer comes to an end – sadness is in the air. However, if you sit back and really enjoy the fall season you’d be surprised at how much beauty there is.


Yes! Summer is full of freedom and a lot of fun road trip with your friends, but getting in a car that can burn your skin makes it harder to enjoy the summer especially when you have an AC waiting for you inside. In contrast, the winter is filled with freezing temperatures that make it even harder to get out of bed. For fall the temperature is what we like to call perfect! Its typically in a good range that is comfortable to be outside without the burning of the skin.

Thinking of taking the scenic route? Good choice – especially in fall. The trees change colors and you begin to see the different patterns of yellow orange, and brown. You get to experience the transformation of nature itself.

Now that we convinced you to take a fall road trip here are the top three places you should check out:

Dundas Peak


– Blue Mountain


Algonquin Park


Oh! Don’t forget to check out the Hanover Market when you’re on route.

Finding Real Value in Antique Markets

Today you hear a lot of millenniums talk about vintage vibes and antique markets but what they fail to address is finding the real value in the experience of it all.

Most times people tend to go to these markets to browse around and look at items. But, if you pay attention, each item has a story to tell. If you’re hunting for antiques or vintage items, look for signs of authentic age. There are many reproductions of antiques that look old because they are made to look old. If you’re not confident you can always ask someone over at Hanover Flea Market. We will help you examine each of the items to determine its rich history. After all, the ones that collect are the most enthusiastic teachers.

Another effective way of finding the value is cultivating patience. There is usually a long learning curve to becoming a knowledgeable collector. However, this long road is fun and exciting – not to mention a great investment. Following this, we find that the happiest customers are those who follow their heart. Find items that you are guided towards. Ones that amuse and delight you. One you find aesthetically pleasing and that you’re excited to tell a story about. An object is just an object until it has meaning.

Some of the most valuable types of antiques to look out for are:

  • Coin Bank
  • First Edition Books
  • Costume Jewelry
  • Outdated Electronics
  • Lamps
  • Christmas Ornaments
  • Silverware
  • VHS Tapes
  • Advertisements
  • Soda Crates
  • Dollhouse
  • Record Player
  • Luggage Set
  • Typewriter

How to Relate to Millennials Through Drive In’s, Cassette Tapes and Antique Markets

When you hear the word millennial, what goes through your mind? Well many things of course! This generation is known to be the most unpredictable. They tend to live in urban apartments with a rustic exposed brick wall and pipe exposed concrete ceilings.

This generation is known for shying away on the big purchases like cars and houses different from the baby boomer generation. Instead, they spend on the image of their lifestyle in terms of concerts, travel, vintage cameras, cassette tapes etc.

Born in 1980-2000, this generation it what we call “90’s obsessed” where we watch the classic movies and play the Beatles cassette tape in our fathers’ old car. This generation is highly nostalgic so when it comes to antiques, they will to stay away from bigger items and find ones that are more reflecting their childhood memories.

Interesting enough, the love for antiques and the vintage old school vibes is bringing baby boomers and millennials together. Millennials are attracted to antiques for sentimental reasons and value durable materials as items used to be made locally instead of being mass produced in China.

Drive-in movies are a thing from the past that is highly mentioned in many blockbuster movies from the 90’s. Because of the connection to their childhood, millennials hunt for the drive in vibes. and as a result, these businesses are thriving from this love of what we call the vintage era.

Why Antique Markets Make The Best Photoshoot Location

When it comes to photography, there are many aspects involved. The type of camera, the lens, the extensive editing time and of course the amount of equipment. That being said, there is one thing many people forget – location. In this post, we are going to talk about the importance of place and the props involved in the photoshoot.


Many great photographers like to bring their props and lug around different pounds of equipment. But why? Isn’t that more work? We think so too! We have a solution, and that solution is creating a great location at an Antique Market – especially the one here at Hanover.

Challenge yourself and head over to Hanover for a great photo shoot location. Here you find items to fit any theme for your photoshoot. It’s time to be different and make your portfolio stand out. Having an idea of what others have done already and putting your twist on it can but rewarding and land you more business in the future.


If you’re not sure of the specific theme you want for your photoshoot location, try stopping by Hanover Flea Market for inspiration.